Nasirhusen Ahmed Lotiya (Tankarvi) التطبيقات

Tankaria is the biggest village in the BharuchTaluka and the second biggest village in the Bharuch District ofGujarat State, India. Tankaria is the land of the greatbrotherhood. Nearly to the mid of the twentieth century, thevillage was famous for its cotton growing farmers and itsbusinesspeople. Many Tankarvis took an active part in the freedommovement of India.Tankaria has produced many Primary School Teachers, High SchoolTeachers, Doctors, Engineers, Pharmacists, Building Contractors,Skilled Technicians, Businessmen, Government Officials, Writers,Poets, Politicians and, Social Workers. Tankaria has producedremarkable numbers of Islamic Scholars. Tankaria has also producedfew University Professors, College Lecturers, Lawyers, LandSurveyors and, Chartered Accountants. Tankarvis working as primaryschool teachers can find everywhere in cities and villages inBharuch and its neighbouring districts. Tankaria is widely knownfor its Primary School Teachers, Businessmen and, Poets. AmongBharuchi Vahora Patel Community, Tankarvis are famous for theirbest hospitality and friendly nature.Many Tankarvis settled in Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, andMumbai. Few Tankarvis migrated to Ahmedabad and Mumbai mainlyduring the famine in the year 1948. Few Tankarvis also settledelsewhere in Gujarat. Outside India Tankarvis mainly settled in theUK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Zambia and other African countries.Some Tankarvis also settled for employment or business in countrieslike Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Mauritius, ReunionIsland, and New Zealand.As stated in the various authentic records, including records ofArchaeological Survey of India, the name of the village wasMustafabad, later on it was renamed as Tankaria (After 1453 CE& Before 1583 CE). To know more about MUSTAFABAD TANKARIA,please visit History page.About Tankaria Website:This website is the first Tankaria Wet Paint Website asregistered on Feb 16, 2007, 6:35 AM. Due to change of ownership onMay 29, 2013, all wet paint websites became wikifoundry websites.So Tankaria Wet Paint website also became tankaria.wikifoundry.comin 2013.Our Vision-"Connecting People- Collecting and Sharing ideas""Everyone has past experiences that are worth sharing"Progress is not possible without proper communications. To reachour goal, we need to connect people and have effectivecommunications. By connecting people, our aim is to get ideas andsupport from Tankarvi brothers, our elders and Professional Expertsof our community living all around the world.Our Mission-"Progress of our beloved village Tankaria and itspeople Tankarvis living all around the world ""An idea that is developed and put into action is more importantthan an idea that exists only as an idea."Let’s unite for the progress of our beloved village. “We areonly as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.Our goals- When we set a goal, we need to be as specific aspossible. Knowing exactly what we want to achieve keeps usmotivated until we get there. We need to think about the specificactions that need to be taken to reach our goals. We need todiscuss and set the most urgent priorities. We need to know Whatour priorities are and how we are doing.Let's all work together to achieve our goals one by one. Let'swork as a team.Contact Us(1) Nasirhusen Ahmed Lotiya- Mustak Suleman Daula- Matin Basirahmed Manman- Iqbal Gulam Bhuta- (Iqbalbhai passed away on September 02, 2015at Canada.)